Journal Information

Original title  : Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam
English title  : Theosophy: Journal of Sufism and Islamic Thought
Short title  : Teosofi
Abbreviation  : Teosofi. J. Tas. Pem. Islam..
Frequency  : 2 issues per year (June and December)
Number of articles per issue  : 7 research articles and reviews per issue
DOI  : 10.15642/teosofi
ISSN  : 2088-7957 (Printed); 2442-871X (Online)
Editor-in-Chief  : Dr. Mukhammad Zamzami, Lc., M.Fil.I
Publisher  :

Department of Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya. St. Ahmad Yani 117 Surabaya, East Java 60237, Indonesia

Citation Analysis  :

Scopus, SJR (Scimago Journal & Country Rank), Sinta, Google ScholarGaruda

Subject Area  : Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences
Category   : Religious Studies; Cultural Studies
Discipline  : Sufism, Islamic Philosophy, Islamic Theology, Islamic Thought

TEOSOFI: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam is a high-quality open access peer-reviewed research journal published by the Department of Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya. The language used in English.

The journal offers an esteemed global platform for scholarly research encompassing Sufism, Islamic Philosophy, Islamic Theology, and Islamic Thought. Embracing a comprehensive perspective, the journal unites various disciplinary viewpoints. It disseminates peer-reviewed articles delving into the historical, cultural, social, philosophical, political, anthropological, literary, artistic, and multifaceted dimensions of the subject across all temporal and geographical contexts. The journal aspires to be a preeminent global forum for the latest discoveries and discourse in the aforementioned fields. Scholars worldwide with an interest in these subjects are warmly encouraged to submit their articles to Teosofi and engage with this open-access journal. Prioritizing novelty and contemporary relevance is fundamental in our publication.

TEOSOFI: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam has been indexed in SCOPUS and accredited as a scientific journal (Science and Technology Index/SINTA 1) by Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Number 79/E/KPT/2023. The journal accreditation certificate of Teosofi can be downloaded here.

Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): December

Unveiling Spiritual Guidance: Sheikh Muhammad Waly al-Khalidy’s Role in Naqshbandiyah Sufi Order in Aceh

Dicky Wirianto(1), Abdul Manan(2), Zubaidah Zubaidah(3), Suraiya Suraiya(4),

(1) Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh, Indonesia
(2) Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Indonesia
(3) Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Aceh, Indonesia
(4) Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Aceh, Indonesia

Page: 181-203

DOI : 10.15642/teosofi.2023.13.2.181-203 , Abstract views: 211 , Downloads : 223

Whirling Dance as a Sufi Healing Method: A Phenomenological Study of the Sufi Dance Community in Surakarta

Fian Rizkyan Surya Pambuka(1), Ahmad Saifuddin(2),

(1) Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said Surakarta, Indonesia
(2) Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said Surakarta, Indonesia

Page: 204-231

DOI : 10.15642/teosofi.2023.13.2.204-231 , Abstract views: 161 , Downloads : 38

Revealing the Sanctity of the Eternal Cosmic Hierarchy: A Comparative Analysis of Javanese Mysticism and Islamic Sufism

Waryani Fajar Riyanto(1),

(1) UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Page: 232-260

DOI : 10.15642/teosofi.2023.13.2.232-260 , Abstract views: 196 , Downloads : 52

From Iran and Saudi Arabia to Indonesia: The Translation of Shi‘ite and Wahhabi Literature in Contemporary Indonesia

Mhd. Syahnan(1), Abd. Mukhsin(2), Ja'far Ja'far(3),

(1) UIN Sumatera Utara Medan, Indonesia
(2) UIN Sumatera Utara Medan, Indonesia
(3) IAIN Lhokseumawe, Indonesia

Page: 261-280

DOI : 10.15642/teosofi.2023.13.2.261-280 , Abstract views: 159 , Downloads : 53

The Construction of Happiness among Rural Javanese Muslims

Moh. Asror Yusuf(1), Robingatun Robingatun(2), Sufirmansyah Sufirmansyah(3), Asfa Widiyanto(4),

(1) Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kediri, Indonesia
(2) Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kediri, Indonesia
(3) Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kediri, Indonesia
(4) Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga, Indonesia

Page: 281-306

DOI : 10.15642/teosofi.2023.13.2.281-306 , Abstract views: 73 , Downloads : 12
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