JRP (Jurnal Review Politik) 2024-03-23T13:35:39+00:00 Dr. Ainur Rofiq Al Amin, M.Ag Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Journal Information</strong></p> <table class="data" style="background-color: #f5f5f5; height: 252px; width: 100%;" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr style="height: 18px;" valign="top"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 20%;" width="20%">Original title</td> <td style="width: 1%; height: 18px;"><strong> :</strong></td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 40%;" width="80%"><strong>JRP (Jurnal Review Politik)</strong></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;" valign="top"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 20%;" width="20%">English title</td> <td style="width: 1%; height: 18px;"><strong> :</strong></td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 40%;" width="80%"><strong>Journal of Political Review</strong></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;" valign="top"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 20%;" width="20%">Short title</td> <td style="width: 1%; height: 18px;"><strong> :</strong></td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 40%;" width="80%"><strong>JRP</strong></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;" valign="top"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 20%;" width="20%">Abbreviation</td> <td style="width: 1%; height: 18px;"><strong> :</strong></td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 40%;" width="80%"><strong>J. Rev. Pol.</strong></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;" valign="top"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 20%;" width="20%">Frequency</td> <td style="width: 1%; height: 18px;"><strong> :</strong></td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 40%;" width="80%"><strong>2 issues per year (June and December)</strong></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;" valign="top"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 20%;" width="20%">Number of articles per issue</td> <td style="width: 1%; height: 18px;"><strong> :</strong></td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 40%;" width="80%"><strong>7 research articles and reviews per issue</strong></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;" valign="top"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 20%;" width="20%">DOI</td> <td style="width: 1%; height: 18px;"><strong> :</strong></td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 40%;" width="80%"><a href=""><strong>10.15642/JRP</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;" valign="top"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 20%;" width="20%">ISSN</td> <td style="width: 1%; height: 18px;"><strong> :</strong></td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 40%;" width="80%"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2088-6241</strong></a> (Printed); <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2615-6504</a></strong> (Online)</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;" valign="top"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 20%;" width="20%">Editor-in-Chief</td> <td style="width: 1%; height: 18px;"><strong> :</strong></td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 40%;" width="80%"><strong>Ainur Rofiq Al Amin</strong></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;" valign="top"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 20%;" width="20%">Publisher</td> <td style="width: 1%; height: 18px;"><strong> :</strong></td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 40%;" width="80%"><strong>Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya <br />St. Ahmad Yani 117 Surabaya, East Java 60237, Indonesia</strong></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;" valign="top"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 20%;" width="20%">Language</td> <td style="width: 1%; height: 18px;"><strong> :</strong></td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 40%;" width="80%"><strong>English, Indonesia</strong></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;" valign="top"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 20%;" width="20%">Citation Analysis</td> <td style="width: 1%; height: 18px;"><strong> :</strong></td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 40%;" width="80%"><a href=""><strong>Sinta</strong></a><strong>, </strong><a href=";user=OKpGF5wAAAAJ" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Google Scholar</strong></a><strong>, </strong><strong>Dimensions</strong><strong>, </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Garuda</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;" valign="top"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 20%;" width="20%">Subject Area</td> <td style="width: 1%; height: 18px;"><strong> :</strong></td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 40%;" width="80%"><strong>Social Sciences; Arts and Humanities</strong></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;" valign="top"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 20%;" width="20%">Category</td> <td style="width: 1%; height: 18px;"><strong> :</strong></td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 40%;" width="80%"><strong>Religion and Politics</strong></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;" valign="top"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 20%;" width="20%">Discipline</td> <td style="width: 1%; height: 18px;"><strong> :</strong></td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 40%;" width="80%"> <p><strong>Political Science, Indonesian Politics, Gender Politics and Identity, Community Welfare, Social Development, Citizenship and Public Management, Public Policy, International Politics &amp; Security, Media, Information &amp; Literacy, Religion and Politics, Digital Society and Disruption, Civil Society Movement, Governance &amp; Democracy, Radicalism, and Terrorism</strong>.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <hr /> <p style="text-align: justify;">JRP (Jurnal Review Politik) is a high-quality peer-reviewed research journal published by the Department of Islamic Political Thought, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya. The languages used are Indonesian and English. JRP is published twice a year, June and December.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The journal focuses on the studies of Islamic Political Thought, political science, religion and politics, governance issues, and public policies in Indonesia and other Islamic countries.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The journal publishes theoretical and empirical research articles to promote and disseminate the academic atmosphere in and around the regions. The journal has areas of concern that include political science, Indonesian politics, gender politics and identity, community welfare, social development, citizenship and public management, public policy, international politics &amp; security, media, information &amp; literacy, religion and politics, digital society and disruption, civil society movement, governance &amp; democracy, radicalism, and terrorism.</p> <hr /> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> <hr /> <p><br data-cke-eol="1" /><br /></p> The Brondot Strategy: Achieving Victory Without Vote Buying in Indonesia’s Local Democracy 2024-03-23T13:35:39+00:00 Rofiq Rofiq Nafisah Nafisah <p>This study employs a qualitative method with a case study approach on village head elections in two villages in Central Java to explore the role of the brondot strategy in democratization. This strategy utilizes rewards, primordial issues, and political clientelism to establish political hegemony, aiding incumbents in winning contests and avoiding significant competition, with hopes of victory without buying votes. Brondot is closely linked to familial political networks, leveraging biological relationships for network tactic control. Family's role in political elections and generational inheritance influences this strategy. The study provides insights into local political position elections without significant expenses, relevant in Indonesia where buying votes is a common practice.</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rofiq Rofiq Kemenangan Ideologis dan Kekalahan Politik Wacana Politik Etnis Minang dalam Pemilihan Presiden 2014 dan 2019 2023-12-28T14:58:32+00:00 Abdullah Khusairi Muhammad Nasir Ahmad Khoirul Fata <p>This article examines the political discourse of the Minang ethnic group in the Presidential Elections (Pilpres) of 2014 and 2019. In both elections, the Minang candidates did not win nationally but achieved a land­slide victory in the West Sumatra province. This has created a stig­ma for the Minang ethnic group as one with a strong political iden­tity and a province with a hardline stance. This study aims to unders­tand the political discourse of the Minang ethnic group in choos­ing national leaders. The study employs Norman Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis approach, which identifies four inter­connected dimen­sions: linguistic, discursive, social, and ideo­lo­gical. This research is a qualitative study using critical analysis methods. Data was collect­ed through in-depth interviews with Minang figures (traditional leaders, religious figures, politicians, academics, and cultural figures). The findings indicate that the political commu­ni­cation of the Minang ethnic group did not undergo a shift in perspective when it comes to viewing leadership issues. For the Minang ethnic group, a leader is highly regarded and given priority. Leaders must possess the qualities of "takah" (personal capacity and capability) and "tageh" (strength and firmness in attitude and action). Additionally, they must be recognized and accepted by the public as prominent figures. The most important factors for the Minang ethnic group in choosing a leader are shared religious beliefs, an egalitarian attitude, and adherence to customary values. The Minang ethnic group is willing to accept political defeat to maintain their belief-based selection of leaders.</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Abdullah Khusairi, Muhammad Nasir, Ahmad Khoirul Fata Deklarasi Anies - Muhaimin dan Konflik Ideologi NU Versus PKS di Pentas Politik Nasional 2024-01-17T13:22:36+00:00 Muhammad Dalle <p>The conflict between NU and PKS is an ideological battle rooted in political competition, notably surrounding the 2024 presidential election. Escalating tensions involve Nasdem's support for Anies Baswedan and PKS's selection of Muhaimin Iskandar as vice-presidential candidate. NU figures derisively depict the Anies-Muhaimin pair, backed by PKS, as Wahhabi groups associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Utilizing power cube theory and Gramsci's hegemony, this research analyzes the conflict, revealing internal disputes within PKB across various power layers. The conflict extends nationally and internationally, involving key figures and transnational issues. However, attacks on the Anies-Muhaimin coalition rely on outdated narratives. NU's actions, stemming from Gus Dur's legacy, are influenced by political factors and personal interests. Hidden conflicts between NU and Muhammadiyah are also pivotal. The author suggests NU cadre unity, resolving longstanding conflicts, and Islamic party unity to confront perceived nepotism, secularism, and oligarchic favoritism in the regime.</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Dalle Rekonsiliasi Arab Saudi dan Iran dalam Perspektif Konstruktivisme 2024-03-18T16:56:59+00:00 Ahmad Zainal Musofa <p><strong>Abstr</strong><strong>act</strong></p> <p>This article describes the reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran that recently occurred. This study aims to explore more deeply related to how the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran is post-reconciliation. Then, revealing China's interests as an actor mediating Saudi-Iran. The writer uses constructivism theory as a tool to analyze the discussion. Then the author uses a qualitative type method with a literature study approach. This research concludes that reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran through Chinese mediation succeeded in reuniting the two countries which were often involved in tensions for a long time. This reconciliation also has an impact on the political constellation in the Middle East where countries in alliance with Saudi and Iran will be softer towards countries that are considered enemies. Then, China has an interest in increasing its economic sector in the Middle East such as the BRI policy, especially with Saudi-Iran. Then China expects maximum support from Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries in international forums. Furthermore, China seeks to compete with the United States as a threat in the field of security through its presence in the Middle East as a party capable of giving hope for peace..</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 AHMAD MUSTOFA Efektivitas Program One Gate, One Billing and One System dalam Pemberantasan Pungli di Pelabuhan 2024-01-17T13:28:05+00:00 Haniah Hanafie <p>This research concerns the One Gate, One Billing and One System Program and extortion at the Port. The purpose of this study is to explain the effectiveness of the One Gate, One Billing and One System Program in preventing extortion at Tanjung Priok Port and the inhibiting factors for implementing the One Gate, One Billing and One System Program. A qualitative approach with descriptive data analysis techniques was used in this study. Program effectiveness theory as an analytical framework. Data was collected by interviews, document review and observation. The results of the study show that the One Gate, One Billing and One System Program is not effective in preventing extortion at Tanjung Priok Port. There are cultural factors, weak supervision, the economy and abuse of authority by officers, making eradication of extortion difficult to overcome.</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Haniah Hanafie Increasing Political Participation and Capacity of Indigenous Papuans: Encouraging Adaptive Collaborative Governance 2024-01-17T13:18:11+00:00 Kelik Iswandi <p>This paper delves into the potential of collaborative governance in addressing conflict resolution in Papua, focusing on the marginalized Indigenous Papuans (OAP) affected by shifting management policies. The conflict stems from historical injustices and capacity disparities between OAP and non-OAP. It aims to introduce collaborative governance, emphasizing reconciliation and adaptive approaches, particularly capacity building, and identifies potential implementation hurdles. Using normative research methodology with secondary data, the hypothesis proposes enhancing OAP capacity and participation to facilitate collaborative processes. Despite LPDP scholarships' ineffectiveness, a structured roadmap is essential for fostering collaborative governance. Furthermore, engaging the private sector is crucial, leveraging its information-seeking capabilities to enhance program efficacy. Collaboration with the private sector should align with OAP interests, aiding capacity building through education and training initiatives</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Kelik Iswandi Perspektif Patronase Edward Aspinal dalam Proses Pemangan Busyro Karim Sebagai Bupati Dua Periode di Kabupaten Sumenep 2024-01-17T13:37:32+00:00 Ahlur Roiyan <p>Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui terkait pola kepemimpinan yang dibangun oleh Busyro Karim sehingga dapat memenangkan Pikada dua periode di kabupaten Sumenep, Madura. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga membuktikan bahwa terdapat relasi kuasa yang terbentuk pada masyarakat, bail secara umum maupun elit-elit masyarakat yang berada dalam pemerintahan. Di samping itu juga terdapat hubungan bersfiat patron-klien saat proses pemilihan Bupati berlangsung. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang diangkat, peneliti menggunakan teori patronase sebagai pisau bedah analisis penelitian. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif yang diambil dari beberapa data sebagai bahan untuk menganalisis data. Data tersebut diambil melalui wawancara dan kajian Pustaka yang terdapat di dalam metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ditemukan adanya relasi kuasa yang terbentuk pada proses pemilihan Bustro Karim sebagai Bupati Dua Periode, di samping itu juga terdapat hubungan patronase dalam proses pemilihan Bupati.</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ahlur roiyan