Political Entrepreneurship di Madura (Studi tentang Kuasa Aktor dalam Demokratisasi Lokal)

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Laili Bariroh
M. Anas Fakhruddin


This article focuses on efforts to find political entrepreneurship for poli-tical actors in Alang-alang Village and the prospects for democracy that are occurring. Based on the research conducted, there are several inte-resting things, including: First, the political entrepreneurship of Alang-alang village Klebun can be seen in the political strategy applied to manage the surrounding actors. Every relationship built by a Klebun to the actors around them is realized as part of the production of power and at the same time maintaining it. Second, in the context of demo-cratization at the local level, political actors in Alang-alang village are trying to get out of the previous centralism of power. The tagline "People's soldier" made by the Alang-alang village government places the community as a king who must be served. However, the ability of Klebun to manage village politics must also be anticipated so that a new king does not emerge at the village level.


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How to Cite
Bariroh, L., & M. Anas Fakhruddin. (2021). Political Entrepreneurship di Madura (Studi tentang Kuasa Aktor dalam Demokratisasi Lokal). JRP (Jurnal Review Politik), 11(2), 175–206. https://doi.org/10.15642/jrp.2021.11.2.175-206


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